Why Baits Might Not Be Effective for Trapping Armadillos: Exploring Alternative Strategies

Armadillos can be a nuisance when they invade residential or agricultural areas, causing damage to lawns, gardens, and crops. Traditional methods of trapping armadillos often involve the use of baits, but these strategies may not always yield the desired results. In this article, we will delve into why baits might not be effective for trapping … Read more

Trapping Armadillos: Unveiling the Best Baits for Successful Capture

Trapping armadillos can be a challenging task, as these resilient creatures have a keen sense of smell and can be selective when it comes to food preferences. To maximize your trapping success, it’s essential to choose the right bait that will entice armadillos into your trap. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the best baits for trapping armadillos, offering insights and strategies to enhance your armadillo trapping endeavors.

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Exploring The Effectiveness Of Snake Traps

When it comes to dealing with snake infestations or unwanted encounters, snake traps are often considered as a potential solution. These devices are designed to capture and contain snakes, providing a means for safe removal or relocation. However, understanding the effectiveness of snake traps and considering various factors is essential before relying solely on them. In this article, we will explore the effectiveness of snake traps, discuss their advantages and limitations, and provide insights to help you make informed decisions when dealing with snakes.

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Top 3 Reasons To Replace Your Attics Insulation

You homes insulation is not something you think about often if even at all. If you’ve had any animal in your attic, than you also have their urine, droppings, and the parasites they carry. Your attics insulation may also be significantly compacted depending on the animal species and length of time they lived in your attic. These serious issues should be addressed as soon as possible to prevent potentially serious health concerns and dramatically increased monthly utility costs.

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How To Poison Rats

If you’re having a rat problem, your first thought might be to use rat poison. Unfortunately, poisoning rats is the least effective and most problematic rat control method. Using rat poison to solve a rat problem is like using duct tape to patch a leaky pipe. In almost all cases, it will cost you far less to have the rats trapped and the entry points permanently sealed than the potential long term costs of using poison. So what problems can you expect to have if you decide to use rat poison?

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Bat Exclusion “Season” Begins August 15th

I have some great news for those who have been living with bats in your attic during the annual bat exclusion “closed season”. The closed season, which began April 16th, will officially end August 14th. I am very excited that we can finally help those customers who have been patiently waiting for the “season” to open and get the bats out of their attic for good!

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Heavy Rains Displace Central Florida Wildlife

Tropical Storm Debby is responsible for more than just rising water levels. The heavy rains Debby dropped on Central Florida are forcing critters all over to search for higher ground. Over the past few days, we have seen a significant increase in calls about raccoons, opossums, and even rodents getting into people’s homes and attics.

Displaced wildlife can be seen during unusual hours of the day, and also be seen in unusual places. Is you seen an animal in your yard, it’s best to call a professional wildlife removal company. It can be difficult to tell if an animal is wandering around due to the excessive rain, or if they have been exposed to rabies.

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Florida Black Bear To Come Off Endangered Species List

By David Fleshler, Sun Sentinel

The future of Florida’s largest native land mammal will be on the table Wednesday as the state wildlife commission votes whether to remove the Florida black bear from the state’s list of threatened species.

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, a seven-member board appointed by the governor, will conduct its two-day meeting in Palm Beach Gardens, with the controversial question of the bear scheduled for the first day.

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